Friday, 30 May 2014

The impact of an intranet on cultural change

Back to the series index: How to build an intranet

Developing an intranet is not just about implementing a software solution - it is also probably going to involve asking people to work differently. You might for example, be asking them to complete tasks via an intranet that they have previously done off-line, or that they have not previously done at all.

User adoption of your new intranet will depend on buy-in and belief that the system helps employees to do their job more efficiently and effectively than the old ways of working.

Action point – Involve your HR and Communications teams – ideally from the start of the project. They should be taking a lead in helping employees make the cultural shifts that the new intranet will bring – be it through effective internal communications, or the provision of training.

Action point – If training is required, make sure there is time and finance allocated for this when considering resource implications.

Next article in series - Content credibility