Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Intranet hosting and infrastructure

Consider where your new intranet will be hosted – in-house or off-site by a third party? Will new servers be required?  This will depend on a number of factors such as the size of your organisation; your attitude to information security and risk; and your available budget. If a third party will be hosting, where is the physical location of the server - will this be sub-contracted out to another organisation?

It is likely that you will want your intranet to interact with your other existing IT applications. Identify what these are, and what they are built with - for example, are they part of a .Net framework? Will you link to Active Directory Integrated Authentication or will users need to sign-in to the intranet?

Action point – Talk to your IT team about the existing technical infrastructure/applications that any new intranet software will need to be compatible with.

Action point – Involve your IT team in the project as early as resources allow. If your intranet is being built by a third party supplier, it is important that they establish good working relationships with your internal team.

Action point – Talk to senior management about their attitude to internal documents being hosted by a third party.

Discussion point - What are the pro's and con's of hosting an intranet internally?

Next article in the series: Intranet accessibility

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